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For ages 1 to 2 years of age

Emotional Development

  • Care for own possessions and those belonging to the group most of the time

  • Place some toys, materials, etc., in their proper places without constant reminders

  • Learn and accept new routines and changes

  • Deal with emotions in a developmentally appropriate way

  • Respond to redirection from staff in a  constructive way

Social Development

  • Understand and participate as a cooperative member of a small group

  • Share toys and equipment

  • Cooperate in some group activities and projects

  • Identify various kinds of transportation


Cognitive Development

  • Recognize basic colors: red, white, blue, yellow, green, orange, purple, blue, brown, and black

  • Develop an awareness of our five senses

  • Follow a sequence of at least two directions

Verbal and Written Language

  • Recognize and say personal information such as age and name

  • Speak in complete sentences

  • Follow simple directions

  • Incorporate new words learned into everyday vocabulary

Reading and Literature

  • Name and letters of the alphabet (lower and upper case)

  • Recognize some sight words in the environment

  • Listen and enjoy being read to

  • Recite one or two simple rhymes


  • Participate in planting seeds and caring fro growing plants

  • Learn about some basic changes such as ice melting and water boiling 

  • Construct simple structures using blocks and other building materials

  • Experience and talk about weather changes in a simple way

  • Practice basic habits for good health

  • Help prepare and tell about healthy foods

Pre-math Skills

  • Rote count from 1-10

  • recognize most numeral from 1-5

  • Set enough snacks and objects on a table for at least 5 children

  • Match a number of objects to corresponding items

Physical Milestones

  • Kick a ball

  • Squat while playing

  • Walk backwards or sideways while pulling a toy

  • Back into a chair to sit down

  • Ride a small-wheeled toy

  • Carry a large toy while walking

  • Remove lids from containers

  • Nest cups and boxes inside each other

  • Take off shoes, hat and socks

  • String large beads with two hands

  • Raise and drink from a cup, then out it back on the table 

Stacking Rings
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