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School age

For ages 5 to 12 years of age

Emotional/Social Development

  • We provide opportunities for all children to go out into the community to explore.Through these adventures, we teach the children to be responsible and respectful individuals and inspire them to grow into confident young adults.

Cognitive Development

  • Children's minds develop through their daily experiences.

  • Imagination and creativity are critical to their development. This is evident through dramatic play, art, sensory, science, math, music, and literacy opportunities.

  • We strive to expand the children's interest and knowledge in various areas.

Verbal and Written Language

  • Literacy and language activities occur within all areas of the classroom.

  • Listening skills, spoken words, written words and group stories provide opportunities for children to develop a richer vocabulary, become better readers and listeners, and increase listening comprehension skills.

  • We provide quiet reading time daily.

Physical Milestones

  • Through daily active play, the children learn to gain personal responsibility for a positive attitude and develop good sportsmanship.

  • They have ample opportunities to explore various areas within the classroom, outdoors and throughout the community.

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