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For ages 6 weeks to 12 months of age

Emotional Development

  • Smile spontaneously

  • Discriminate strangers from familiar people

  • Establish and maintain eye contact

  • Laugh aloud

  • Recognize own image in a mirror

Social Development

  • React to familiar persons and objects

  • Enjoy social games

  • Give and receive affection

  • Imitate the behaviors of others


Cognitive Development

  • React to the presentation of a toy

  • Turn to look for a dropped object

  • Uncover a hidden toy

  • Use toys to make sounds in a purposeful manner

  • Look at pictures in a book

  • Enjoy placing objects in and out of containers


  • Respond to a sound by turning to its directional source

  • Establish eye contact with staff members

  • Smile when approached by others

  • Imitate speech sounds

  • Understand simple words

  • Respond to own name

Physical Development

  • Hold head erect

  • Slide and scoot in directions

  • Sit with assistance

  • Sit independently

  • Bounce while sitting and standing

  • Pull self up to stand position

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